File: workerAVI.js

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  Classes of Dantigny francois   JavaScript AVI Parser   workerAVI.js   Download  
File: workerAVI.js
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: main class worker
Class: JavaScript AVI Parser
Parse and extract information from AVI video files
Author: By
Last change: Added files via upload
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 7,137 bytes


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importScripts('AVIInfo.js'); function duree(s) { function onetotwo(Pint) { if (Pint < 10) { return '0' + Pint.toString(); } else { return Pint.toString(); } } function onetothree(Pint) { if (Pint < 10) { return '00' + Pint.toString(); } else { if (Pint < 100) { return '0' + Pint.toString(); } else { return Pint.toString(); } } } var out = ''; var lhh = ''; var lmn = ''; var lss = ''; var lms = ''; lhh = Math.floor(s / 3600); lmn = Math.floor((s - lhh * 3600) / 60); lss = Math.floor(s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60); lms = Math.ceil((s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60 - lss) * 1000); if (lhh > 0) { lhh = lhh.toString() + ":"; out = lhh; } if (lmn > 0) { if (out.length == 0) { out = lmn.toString() + ":"; } else { out = out + onetotwo(lmn) + ":"; } } else { if (out.length > 0) { out = out + "00:"; } } if (lss > 0) { if (out.length == 0) { out = lss.toString(); } else { out = out + onetotwo(lss); } } else { if (out.length == 0) { out = "0"; } else { out = out + "00"; } } if (lms != 0) { out = out + '.' + onetothree(lms); } return out; } function humanFileSize(size) { var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)); return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['o', 'ko', 'Mo', 'Go', 'To'][i]; }; function humanBitrate(size) { var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)); return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['bps', 'kbps', 'Mbps', 'Gbps', 'Tbps'][i]; }; function human_reading(info) { info.text = "ArouG's AVI Infos :\n"; info.text += "-------------------\n"; info.text += "File : " + info.filename + "\n"; var d= new Date(info.filedate); info.text += "Date : " + (d.getFullYear()) + '/' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + ' ' + d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes() + "\n"; info.text += "Size : " + humanFileSize(info.filesize) + "\n"; info.text += "Format : AVI \n"; if (info.isOpenDML){ info.text += "Format profile : OPENDML\n"; } if (info.AVIF_HASINDEX) { info.text += "Indexed : Yes\n"; } else { info.text += "Indexed : No\n"; } info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.dureeS) + "\n"; var DataSize = 0; for (var i = 0; i < info.tracks.length; i++) DataSize += info.tracks[i].Totalsize; GlobBitrate = 8 * DataSize / info.dureeS; info.text += "Global bitrate : " + humanBitrate(GlobBitrate) + "\n"; if (info.swft){ if (info.swft.offset > 0) { info.text += "Creator : " + + "\n"; } } info.text += "Count of streams : " + info.dwStreams + "\n"; info.text += "\n"; for (var i = 0; i < info.tracks.length; i++) { if (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'vids'){ info.text += "Video :\n"; } if (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'auds'){ info.text += "Audio :\n"; } if (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'txts'){ info.text += "Subtitles :\n"; } info.text += "Track number " + (i+1) + "\n"; info.text += "Size : " + humanFileSize(info.tracks[i].Totalsize) + "\n"; info.text += "Count of samples : " + info.tracks[i].strh.dwLength + "\n"; info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.tracks[i].strh.dureeS) + "\n"; var tmp = 8 * info.tracks[i].Totalsize / info.tracks[i].strh.dureeS; if ((info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'vids') || (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'auds')) { info.text += "Global Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(tmp) + "\n"; } if (info.tracks[i].strh.wLanguage != "```"){ info.text += "Langage : " + info.tracks[i].strh.wLanguage + "\n"; } if (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'vids') { tmp = Math.ceil(100 * info.tracks[i].strh.dwLength / info.tracks[i].strh.dureeS) / 100; info.text += "Framerate : " + tmp + " FPS\n"; info.text += "Width : " + Math.ceil(info.dwWidth) + "\n"; info.text += "Heidth : " + Math.ceil(info.dwHeight) + "\n"; info.text += "Codec Video more info :\n"; if (info.tracks[i].strh.handler) { info.text += "handler : " + info.tracks[i].strh.handler + "\n"; } info.text += "Compressor : " + info.tracks[i].strf.biCompression + "\n"; info.text += "Depth (number of bits / pixel) : " + info.tracks[i].strf.biBitCount + "\n"; } if (info.tracks[i].strh.Typet == 'auds') { info.text += "Codec Audio more info :\n"; info.text += "handler : 0x" + info.tracks[i].strf.wFormatTag.toString(16).toUpperCase() + "\n"; info.text += "Compressor : " + info.tracks[i].audiocodec[0] + "\n"; info.text += "Count of channels : " + info.tracks[i].strf.nChannels + "\n"; info.text += "SampleRate : " + info.tracks[i].strf.nSamplesPerSec + "\n"; } info.text += "\n"; } return info.text; } onmessage = function(event) { var file =; if ((file.type == 'video/x-msvideo') || (file.type == 'video/avi') || (file.type == 'video/msvideo')){ avi(file, function(err, info) { if (err) { console.log('error : ' + err); postMessage({ 'data' : 'error : ' + err }); } else { sortie_texte = human_reading(info); postMessage({ 'data' : sortie_texte }); //console.log(sortie_texte); } }); } else { postMessage({'data' : 'nop'}); } }