File: crazyuploader_config.php

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File: crazyuploader_config.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: file
Class: Crazy Uploader
Plug-in for TinyMCE to upload document files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 3,161 bytes


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<?php # Example: define("ADDRESS_PLUGIN", "http://localhost/meuSite/tinymce-3.5.6/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/crazyuploader/"); # Defines the settings from the value set in the # instance of tinyMCE in "profileUpload" # >>>>> # Paths from the location of this file. For storing the images $PROFILE_UPLOAD = array(); /* * IF YOU WANT MORE PROFILES, JUST COPY ONE OF THE PROFILES * AND CHANGE THE KEY TO THE NAME OF THE YOU WANT */ $PROFILE_UPLOAD["default"] = array( "PATH_IMAGES" => "storeImages/", "PREFIX_IMAGES" => "", "KEEP_REAL_NAMES" => true, "SEARCH_FILES_INTERVAL" => 7, "IS_ALLOWED_DELETE" => true, "IS_ALLOWED_FLASH" => true, "SCRIPT_DELETE" => "crazyuploader_delete_file.php" ); $PROFILE_UPLOAD["blog"] = array( "PATH_IMAGES" => "imagensBlog/", "PREFIX_IMAGES" => "", "KEEP_REAL_NAMES" => false, "SEARCH_FILES_INTERVAL" => 7, "IS_ALLOWED_DELETE" => false, "IS_ALLOWED_FLASH" => true, "SCRIPT_DELETE" => "" ); $PROFILE_UPLOAD["home"] = array( "PATH_IMAGES" => "imagensHome/", "PREFIX_IMAGES" => "", "KEEP_REAL_NAMES" => true, "SEARCH_FILES_INTERVAL" => 7, "IS_ALLOWED_DELETE" => true, "IS_ALLOWED_FLASH" => true, "SCRIPT_DELETE" => "crazyuploader_delete_file.php" ); /************************************************************************** * DOCUMENTATION * **************************************************************************/ # PREFIX_IMAGES # >> Prefix to the names of the uploaded imagens # : String # KEEP_REAL_NAMES # >> Keep the real name of the imagens, otherwise it generates a name for the file # : Boolean # SEARCH_FILES_INTERVAL # >> Number of files in the list # : Integer # IS_ALLOWED_DELETE # >> Say if it's allowed to delete # : Boolean # IS_ALLOWED_FLASH # >> Say if it's allowed to upload flash (swf) # : Boolean # SCRIPT_DELETE # >> # : String (Path) # # Script that deletes files from the server # The plugin will always pass the name of the file via POST as fileName variable / $_POST["fileName"] in UTF-8 # So you will able to do all validations you need # # Pay attention: # # This file need to return a JSON data in the following format: # { "deleted" : "ok", "msgError" : "Any message you want the system to display" } # # if "deleted" != "ok" the system will send your message for the user # # You must put the path from this root ?>