1. Front-end interactive treeview
Updated on: 2016-11-16
Posted on: 2016-11-16
Blog: JS Filer package blog
Package: JS Filer
There are several jQuery plugins to make it easier implement the tree views on a Web page.
Read this article to learn about how to use the jsFiler plugin for this purpose.

2. Using the webfanIntents API
Updated on: 2016-04-09
Posted on: 2016-04-08
Blog: µ.Flow package blog
Package: µ.Flow

1. Fast Migration of Regular Sites to Mobile using µ.Flow Library
Updated on: 2016-10-17
Posted on: 2016-03-17
Blog: µ.Flow package blog
Package: µ.Flow
However when you have already implemented a regular site with multiple pages, moving on to single page application approach can require a lot of work and compromise prior SEO (Search Engine Optimizations).
Read this article to learn about a simpler approach based on using HTML5 pushState and AJAX requires that requires minor changes to your site pages and provide a smooth user experience preserving your site past SEO efforts.

1. jsframe evolved to JaSper
Updated on: 2015-01-29
Posted on: 2015-01-29
Blog: jsframe package blog
Package: jsframe
It becomes Jasper.

1. Did You Mean Advanced Email Validation in Node.js and PHP
Updated on: 2015-01-18
Posted on: 2014-04-07
Blog: E-mail validation package blog
Package: E-mail validation
This e-mail validation package can detect and prevent that users enter incorrect addresses even before you accept them.
Read this article to learn how to use this package to detect incorrect email addresses and get suggestions for the correct addresses so the users can fix them with a single click.
This article is about doing it with Node.js but it also points to a similar solution to achieve the same in PHP.

1. Tutorial of How to View the JavaScript Diff of Two Strings to Patch the Text and a PHP Alternative
Updated on: 2017-02-09
Posted on: 2014-01-30
Blog: JS Diff Viewer package blog
Package: JS Diff Viewer
Read this article to learn how to find and view the differences between two strings in realtime on the browser using JavaScript or render the differences on the server side using PHP to not rely on JavaScript.
The article also shows how to patch a string to obtain the changed string by using the list of differences between them.

1. How to put a Scrollbar at the Top and the Bottom of a Large Page Element
Updated on: 2013-10-30
Posted on: 2013-10-30
Blog: JavaScript Scrollbar to Top package blog
Package: JavaScript Scrollbar to Top
A scrollbar may appear automatically at the bottom of the wide page element, but if the content is also very tall, like for instance when you have a long article, the user may not see the bottom scrollbar, and so he may not be able to scroll the content sideways.
Read this article to learn about a solution to make a scrollbar also appear at the top of the wide page element.

1. Protecting Browser Side User Data in JavaScript using Cryptography with secStore.js
Updated on: 2016-09-26
Posted on: 2013-10-14
Blog: secStore.js package blog
Package: secStore.js
Read this article to go through a brief introduction to using secStore.js library when you need to secure essential data, such as authentication tokens or personally identifiable information needs to be stored within the user browser.

1. Getting the Users Attention using HTML5 based Advanced Animations
Updated on: 2013-04-21
Posted on: 2013-01-29
Blog: Page animation package blog
Package: Page animation
HTML5 brought to Web developers new kinds of page elements that can be used to implement new types of animations with some JavaScript help.
Read this article to learn how to use this page animation JavaScript library to implement advanced animations that can definitely grab the attention of your Web site users.

1. Cross-Domain AJAX versus JSONP
Updated on: 2013-04-21
Posted on: 2012-08-08
Blog: CDA Cross Domain AJAX package blog
Package: CDA Cross Domain AJAX
Read this article learn about Cross-Domain AJAX and its main advantages when compared to JSONP.